About Finnish Forests and Forest Sector

forest.fi online magazine provides topical and background information in forests, forest use, forest related industries and circular bioeconomy.
It is a joint publication of the Finnish forest sector, published by Finnish Forest Association in English and Finnish.

The New Wood Project
Uusi puu – The New Wood Project shows what wood can do. It is a community of over 20 Finnish operators. The participants represent a broad range of Finnish forestry sector players.
Forest owners, companies, organisations and educational and research institutions are working together to increase awareness of the wood-based bioeconomy, highlighting new and existing products and solutions and exploring their impact on society.

Forest Finland
Metsien Suomi – Forest Finland is the joint communication project of the Finnish forest sector, launched in May 2020. The campaign will awaken and raise peoples’ interest and encourage discussion about the forests’ role in everything we have in Finland.
Forest Finland talks about the sustainability of the use of the northern forests and about the solutions the sustainable use of them offers. The forest will be seen on TV and heard on the radio, in outdoor advertising and in social media.