Forest Quiz
The Forest Quiz is a nationwide competition for lower secondary school pupils, and it will be organized for the 40th time in 2021. The Forest Quiz has been organized continuously since 1982 and over a million Finns have participated in it over the years.
The Forest Quiz is organized by The Finnish Forest Association, The Finnish Association of Biology and Geography Teachers BMOL and forest sector.
The pupils can participate in the Forest Quiz in Finnish (Metsävisa) and in Swedish (Skogsnöten).
Forest Quiz in brief
All pupils from 7th to 9th grades, smaller teams or individual pupils are welcome to participate. Teachers register their pupils to the quiz. Participating in the Forest Quiz is cost-free for schools.
Teachers will receive a postal package that contains the competition forms, exemplary answers and the rewards at least a week in advance of the Forest Quiz day.
Teachers will organize the Forest Quiz to the registered pupils on the Forest Quiz day in february. If the Forest Quiz can’t be organized on the Forest Quiz day for some reason, it must be organized only after it.
The teacher will return the contact information and the form of the school’s best pupil in Forest Quiz via an electronic form.
The 50 best school winners will be invited to a two-day final in Helsinki. The invitations to the final will be posted at the end of March or in the beginning of April. If someone of these 50 best school winners is not able to participate, the next in line will be invited.
Forest Quiz competition forms
Forest Quiz competition forms and correct answers, years 2016-2021. Forest Quiz competition forms and model answers can be used for teaching. Let your pupils practise with them and learn about forests.
Forest Quiz final
The pupils compete in the Forest Quiz final in the forest with mobile devices and the final takes approximately two hours. The participants of the final will get instructions on the loading of Metsävisa-application in advance and they can also practice the use of the application in advance.