Cultivation and care – forestry and biodiversity

During the past few years, efforts to safeguard the biodiversity of forest nature have taken a considerable qualitative leap in Finland. New ways of nature management in commercial forests are continuously being found. Forest certification ensures that these means are mainstreamed as and when they are found effective.
This text takes you on to a journey into Finnish forestry with its numerous dimensions. The list of contents should not be taken as an exhaustive description of the text under each heading; rather, the headings serve as signposts to the next village you will reach – without actually defi ning what you will find on getting there.
This project has received funding from Metsämiesten Säätiö Foundation and Marjatta ja Eino Kollin Säätiö Foundation.
Files: 1 pcs
- Published
- 19.6.2019
- Publisher
- Finnish Forest Association
- Kieli
- English
- Laajuus
- 85 sites
- Tekija
- Seppo Vuokko, Hannes Mäntyranta, Jorma Peiponen