Second Forest Academy for EU Decision Makers to be organised in Sweden on June 27-29, 2022

The joint initiative from Finland and Sweden builds dialogue on forests between EU institutions.
The discussion forum focuses on the ways in which forests and forest-based solutions can address the global goals and targets set out in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The organisers, Swedish Forest Agency and Finnish Forest Association, welcome decision-makers to Sweden between June 27 and 29, 2022 in the Stockholm region. This Forest Academy is the second of two consecutive events organised as a joint venture between Finland and Sweden. The event is convened by Prime Ministers Magdalena Andersson and Sanna Marin and planned in collaboration with an extensive group of stakeholders. The two-day programme will consist of seminar sessions, field excursions, discussions, and network building.
”The key idea of a Forest Academy is to offer the possibility to connect with other key decision-makers in EU institutions and to share insights on the opportunities that forests can offer to society”, says Director for Forest Academy Elina Antila from the Finnish Forest Association. The Forest Academy communication programme has been active in Finland since 1996 and over 1,500 top-level decision-makers from different sectors of society have participated in the forums.
The target group includes decision-makers in various EU institutions, especially in the European Parliament and the European Commission. Invitees also include representatives from research and development, business, NGOs, and the media, as well as forest and bioeconomy related stakeholders.
During the Forest Academy forum, participants will have the opportunity to share and gain insights into how the EU policies, such as those related to climate change, the bioeconomy, and the European Green Deal, impact the forest sector and what the future may be like. Participation is by invitation only and registrations have already started to build up.
This initiative is financed by the Finnish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the Swedish Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation, and the Finnish Forest Foundation. The events utilise the Forest Academy communication tool produced by the Finnish Forest Association.
More information:
Senior Advisor Björn Merkell, Swedish Forest Agency
Tel +46 702 45 69 52,
Director for the Forest Academy for Decision Makers Elina Antila, Finnish Forest Association
Tel. +358 50 351 2411,
More contact information can be found here
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