The Forest Academy for Decision Makers Communication Concept
The Forest Academy is a unique approach designed to increase dialogue around forests in society. It has been developed into a communication concept available for purchase. The programme format is called “Forest Academy – A Programme for Increasing Dialogue around Forests in Society”.
A key factor in the future success of the forest sector is its ability to interact and influence across sectors
Cross-sectoral coordination, co-operation and partnerships in forest issues are major challenges for modern forest policy. However, success in planning and implementing cross-sectoral activities is not easy to achieve. A key factor in the success of the forest sector is its ability to take inspiration, interact and influence across other walks of society. The Forest Academy communication programme can be an effective tool for producing input for decisions on strategic issues and for preparing the policy process.
Our mission
The Forest Academy for Decision Makers aims to enhance social capital. Social capital refers to the trust, networks and shared views that exist between one sector and other parts of society. The Forest Academy communication programme is based on arranging a series of cross-sectoral forums that utilise a specific structure and a variety of educational working methods designed to promote the creation of social capital between participants from the forest sector and elsewhere in society.
Since 1996, the mission of the Forest Academy is to increase the interest of decision-makers, opinion leaders and others inluential in forest issues and strengthen their capability of understanding and utilising the multiple potentials of forests that support societal development. The strategy of the Academy is based on a long-term commitment to implementing its communication programme.
At the Finnish Forest Association, we offer our 26-year experience, knowledge and tools needed to establish a long-term communication programme on forests. Our licensed Forest Academy communication concept is a complete set of tools, designed to support the implementation of the communication programme.
View the Forest Academy brochure here.
It’s too late to form a network when you need one. This is the ethos of the Forest Academy summed up in the words of Harry Mildh, Mildh was a lobbyist for Nokia, a Finnish multinational corporation in the field of telecommunications, information technology and consumer electronics, established in 1865.
The Forest Academy aims to
- bring together a mix of policymakers, decision-makers and opinion leaders from across the forest sector and the rest of society
- provide comprehensive and multi-faceted views and information on forests and their role in society
- increase the participants’ general interest in forest issues
- strengthen the participants’ cababilities to understand the multiple benefits of a multi-purpose, sustainable use of natural resources
- increase interaction and build networks between leaders and influential persons from different parts of society

Adaptable format to suit different national conditions
The Forest Academy communication concept is based firstly on the Forest Academy for Decision Makers organized in Finland since 1996, but also on many international applications, such as the international Forest Academy Finland forums, which were aimed at decision-makers in key positions as regards forests in the new EU countries (2003–2004), the European Renewable Resources, Sustainable Future forums (2006-2007 ), the Finnish-Russian Forest Forums (2011) and Forest Academy for EU Decision Makers (2018, 2022).
The Forest Academy communication programme can be tailored to meet the different needs and conditions of each country. The licence, manual and other communication tools were created and are available through Metsäviestintä Oy (wholly owned by the Finnish Forest Association).
The programme has already been implemented in Latvia, Tanzania (with the UONGOZI Institute), Costa Rica (with CATIE) and Mozambique (with the E. Mondlane University).